Tonight is a bath night for Mr. Sol! When he isn't exhausted, he really enjoys being in the warm water. David and I rotate bath night responsibilities so that we each get one-on-one time with him. We bathe him every other night because we understand doing it every night will dry out his skin. Plus, the child isn't active enough to need to be bathed every night!!
One evening, recently, we enjoyed sitting on the front porch before beginning the bedtime rituals.
Have I mentioned how much Sol loves his Azaria?!? She brings such happiness to him! Whenever she is close by, he reaches out to touch her. I'm working on showing him how to rub and pat her instead of grabbing at her fur. He gets it sometimes, but other times he just wants to grab on and give her a big hug! It really is precious. I need to snap a picture of how big he smiles when she is around.
While we've been able to let Sol sit in his bathtub for a few months, sans the insert, I may be putting it back in this evening. The past couple of baths, he has been trying to push himself out of the seat--and I don't want for him to go under water unexpectedly!! We cover him with a wet rag to keep him from getting cold. He has started sucking the water out of it recently, so I've pulled out some of his bath toys to distract him. He loves being able to put the foam letters in his mouth!! I didn't do a lot of research, but was given an Aveeno Bath Basket before Sol was born. We've really enjoyed using the Aveeno Body Wash!
We snuggle him up in his towel and take him in for a more thorough drying on his changing table. His Baby Einstein toy is a great distraction at the changing table. It also encourages Sol's fun parents to let loose and sing and dance with the music!! We always apply lotion. Our favorite is the Stress Relief Lotion that is part of the gift set. We also like the Calming Comfort Lotion and the Daily Moisture Lotion.
Can't forget his diaper!! We were gifted a supply of bumGenius diapers from Sol's buddy, Daniel. We have really enjoyed them! I highly recommend them, but will leave the details for another post.
You know we have a growing boy who needs to eat! We give Sol a 4-oz bottle of breastmilk every night before bedtime. As I've mentioned in a previous post, I think it's better to make sure Sol gets 4-oz and doesn't have to work for it either. Giving him the bottle also gives Daddy a chance to feed him every other night! We love our one-on-one time with Sol and are happy to share responsibilities.
Bedtime wouldn't be any fun without a book! When he isn't fussy, we enjoy reading to him and showing him the pictures. We zip him up in a SleepSack as it is highly recommended that you not put blankets in the bed with infants. It's helpful having a couple. Some are heavier than others, so we are trying to keep him in the lighter one these days.
When I put him to bed, I have three prayers and four lullabies that I sing to him. By the time I get to the last lullaby, he has usually found his thumb (amen!) and is happily going to sleep. Love our bedtime rituals. Good night Sol!!
Many thanks to Sol for playing and chatting on his mat while I blogged. Oh, and Azaria for keeping an eye on him!
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