If we film again during out appointments, I told D that I'm ok with with him filming me...as long as I'm not disrobed completely!
- Baby A has a heart beat of 155 at our 14 week mark.
- I can comfortably say I've put on 10 pounds so far, but my weight fluctuates since I'm staying active.
- While I have a few spots on my face that I could do without, I'm not experiencing much of a breakout yet. Does that come later in the pregnancy?
- I've been eating more leafy greens this week, but it's definitely not helping me with regularity!
- I'm stubborn and am continuing to sleep on my stomach. Dr. H says that I will know when I can't sleep on my stomach anymore. It'll be that uncomfortable. I'm not looking forward to that as I've found it very difficult for me to lay on my side with my body pillow. I'm more comfortable on my side with the body pillow when I'm laying on the couch. As much as I'm dreading the days that I sleep there, I will be grateful if David and/or I have better sleep.
- Azaria, in my opinion, has been super nudgey the past couple days. Especially to me, at night. I'm wondering if she is sensing the baby and this is her way of 'being motherly' as one of my friends put it. At this moment, she is waiting anxiously for me to take her on another walk.
I can't believe I'm starting school in a few short days. I have orientation on Monday from 8-3:45. I'm very excited. I remember how much I enjoyed the technology orientation I attended this summer. I know this will be even better since I'll meet peers in my program...and start a couple days later!! I have 3 of my 5 books, and waiting on a couple to be delivered, hopefully before Wednesday. I've cleaned up the desk in our office upstairs and have set up my Macbook with pens, papers, notebooks, etc, so that it will be my workspace over the next few months.
When I look at the Fall semester schedule, and think about my pregnancy as well, I can't believe how quickly it will all go by. I realize I may have no life except for when I have a chance to catch up with people on the phone during my commutes, but I'm hoping to see my friends at times and keep up with the blog a couple times a week.
Along with my running, I am going to make time for relaxation and yoga. I'm going to my first prenatal yoga class tomorrow at Villager Yoga. I'm excited!! David, my wonderfully supportive hubby, will attend a prenatal partner yoga and massage workshop with me next weekend where we will learn some postures to help during pregnancy and he'll learn some massage techniques that may help with the pain I endure.
Tomorrow, I am looking forward to checking out the free Baby expo at the BJCC.

Mom excitedly accepted my invitation to join me...so we'll check it out for a bit! I'm still considering natural childbirth, so I know there will be some local doulah's and midwives who I can speak with and possibly be more convinced to move forward with this consideration. We'll see!
Well, that's a lot for a Friday. Good Shabbos and happy weekend to everyone!
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